KRAFT is certainly showing their community support- or perhaps global support is a more appropriate term to use instead. KRAFT’s corporate website has a tab labeled “Responsibility: Corporate responsibility has always been part of who we are and what we do.
Read more about how we are making a difference.” Under this tab is a link to their “Community Involvement” webpage. On this site, KRAFT summarizes how involved they are: In a nutshell, KRAFT donates food, volunteers and cash donations to support hundreds of non-profit organizations all over the world plus donates their products to where natural disasters occur. Here in the United States, KRAFT is partnered with “Feeding America” the nation’s leading hunger relief charity. The website also has a link to their “Corporate Community Involvement Report”: the report’s theme is “Change”; with the front of the cover having the quote: “Driving Change: One Meal at a Time”. The report goes on to explain where exactly KRAFT is helping out the “community”…for example KRAFT helps out non-profit organizations in AIDS-ravaged countries in Africa, and they also outline organizations they support in Venezuela, China and the USA. The report also contains a list of 46 countries where KRAFT “drives a change”, and a fact sheet containing the following 2007 number statistics:

· 100 million a year in total donation
· 29 disaster zones where KRAFT responded with humanitarian aid in 2007
· 130 cities around the world where KRAFT fights hunger and promotes healthy lifestyles
· 60,000 KRAFT employee volunteer hours
· 1.4 million per year in cash donations from KRAFT employees
· 29 disaster zones where KRAFT responded with humanitarian aid
· 1 billion servings of fresh food donated in the US since 1997
There is a very easy connection between KRAFT’s community service and their company: food. Hunger is a major world crisis and therefore is given a lot of attention, thus KRAFT’s active participation in aiding to eliminate world hunger is an excellent use of PR. By asso
ciating their name with charitable organizations such as The Red Cross and Feeding America, KRAFT is gaining positive publicity. I believe KRAFT is quite lucky to have such a strong relationship between their services and donations, they perfectly complement one another. Furthermore, natural disasters occur frequently all over the world- such as the horrible Hurricane Katrina that struck here in the USA in 2005. Although devasting, these natural disasters are opportunities for KRAFT to get involved with and gain publicity- healthy and edible foods are considered quite the luxury in places where tornadoes have torn up the land or
where earthquakes have damaged a city. Let's explore how KRAFT handled Hurricane Katrina back in the fall of 2005: according to their Community Involvement report in the "Humanitarian Aid" section, KRAFT teamed up with America's Second Harvest (now known as Feeding America), The American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, and local food banks to total more than $1 million in cash and food donations. In addition to, KRAFT had 12 trailors that were filled with KRAFT snacks and a mobile pantry serving foods where needed. A total of 750 KRAFT volunteers from Canada and the US volunteered to rebuild homes around the area- and of course, KRAFT re-stocked these new homes' kitchen pantries with all KRAFT foods and beverages! KRAFT is a neighbor we can rely on.