KRAFT's website was quite interesting: When first typing in the address on the tool bar, KRAFT's website appears, but it gives you 3 different website to enter: KRAFT Foods, KRAFT Corporation and KRAFT charity.

Assuming that the company’s website would be boring, KRAFT’s corporate site turned out to be bearable; http://www.kraft.com/default.htm What first captured my eyes was the large picture with a KRAFT slogan that changed every few seconds. Also, on the lower ride side is an interactive pop-up display where you can click to see all the different brands KRAFT owns...my eyes were naturally drawn to it because it automatically rotates every 2 seconds or so. On the left side is a "Latest Corporation News" with links to their newest press releases http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=129070&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=1255460D=1255460 . The site map on top of the webpage clearly organizes the site into "Home", "About Kraft", "Brands", "Investor Center", "Media Center" and "Careers". Under the "Brands" section is an interactive video of the company's history; it is displayed in a timeline format that allows the viewer to choose how fast or slow they want to browse through it. However, the video does not have a sound display- which proves pointless for the hearing impaired or ones that simply don't want to watch it. There is also a concise fact sheet located below the video for those who need basic information. On the right side is the same interactive pop-up display that shows the different KRAFT brands, actually after viewing the entire site I realized the icon was on every page. Under their brands site was an icon to play KRAFT TV commercials http://www.kraft.com/tv-commercials.htm . What I found neat was how they featured their employees under the "Careers" section, a few key employees with their pictures and basic job information was featured. I think being able to see some of KRAFT's employees what their job duties entail gives more legitimacy to their company, from a consumer perspective. http://www.kraft.com/Careers/
Now, KraftFoods.com is MUCH more interactive (and I think more interesting) compared to KRAFT's corporate site. The site includes various interactive tools: such as "How-To" (recipe) videos, ingredient/recipe finders http://www.kraftfoods.com/KF/DINNER/DinnerLandingPage.aspx, and various healthy living tools: such as a BMI calculator, nutrition advice and even an icon to create your own recipe cook book! http://www.kraftfoods.com/kf/HealthyLiving/HealthyLivingLandingPage.aspxe.aspx. The site also had a link to their new digital Food & Family magazine, available o

It surprised me that KRAFT did not provide a virtual tour of one of their product's factories. Being that people are interested in the behind the scenes process of food production (thus the high ratings for Food Network's "Unwrapped" show), this would provide an ideal opportunity for KRAFT to take advantage of. I think their corporate site could have been more entertaining, but it is CORPORATE and therefore more professional and “business” themed. However, I think Kraftfoods.com did an excellent job with their website; I spent over an hour looking at it! From kids, to stay at homes parents or even busy work parents, the site provides ample gadgets to work around with.

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